The wee girl's ideas for creative pastimes are becoming more and more complicated. I've always tried to instill in her the belief that what can be imagined, can be made and now - while I'm back at work and she's yet to go to school - it's come back to bite (with big teeth). I have to pare grand plans back to human-scale ("Where are we going to PUT that?"), and then again to "Mummy's actually at work and we really don't have the time or materials...." (cue "bad Mummy" guilt).I was happy when she wanted to make a dress pattern yesterday - and rather impressed by the result.
We even sampled it up (red cotton-lycra jersey for the top and a stripey cotton jersey for the skirt) but forgot to photograph it before it was covered with last night's dinner.This afternoon it was all about a calico doll.
Now, before anyone goes leaving comments about me being a good mother who encourages her child's creative side, just let it be known that I was so happy to be able to work on MY work (for a change), I left her to it and congratulated myself on coming up with an idea that would keep her out of my hair for more than three minutes. I relished in the quiet and didn't want it to end.It did end. I was summoned to take up the baton. She had designed a doll and accessories, from basic bedding right down to jewellery, a mirror (complete with reflection), a lolly (candy) snake and a bookshelf. There was also a cd (in its case), pillows, toys and books and a "sleep sound" for dolly (ZZZZZZZ). 
....and it was MY JOB to make them three-dimensional... in keeping with her (somewhat unrealistic) dolly-world vision. Cue "paring back grand plans" and clip on the Bernina Stitch Regulator....
That black circle there is a belly-button. Looking at that detail, I think I can safely assume that the girl has done a spot of navel-gazing.
Seeing what she's drawn and watching her dexterous little hands working melts my heart. As I tried to figure out how to make her dolly come to life, the Evil Mummy internal scream ("LET ME GET BACK TO MY WORK!!") gave way to fascination in her observations of small details (earrings on the ears, creases on the palms, detailed lips and nostrils and ... ahem... nipples) and the reflection of her unique world. I can't help but enjoy it.
As daylight faded (and phone-calls were made to let the man of the house know that we were still alive), some designer bedding was made and a bargain struck about going home eventually....
We took the rest of the dolly kit home, and the Evil Mummy in me is hoping to sneak off to work tomorrow while the man of the house enjoys the Australia Day holiday.... ummmmm.... making a dolly-world with his daughter. (I'll enjoy seeing the results!!)
Apparently, I'm making the clothes for Dolly.....
Something tells me she's gonna need her own studio next to yours before too long.
Oh and I'd love a stitch regulator lesson. I've never used mine and I think I should. That box has been sitting there for years now.
That is so's hoping all that hard work will pay off in some time for yourself tomorrow.
Wonderful Stuff, even if it wasn't what you planned :)
You ARE a wonderful mother because I know I didn't have the patience to give up so much time. I truly wonder what sort of work she will end up doing as an adult. Love the heart on the pillow. Cherrie
So you definitely have an artistic prodigy on your hands.......not such a shock considering her mama.
You know work will always wait, but little girls grow up and move away. What a precious memory to keep. Thank you for sharing it with those of us whose little girls are grown. Michele
Am just wondering if I can hedge my bets? Am going with both rod AND string!
And at the risk of sounding all grannyish it really is true about them not being little for long. Even if she doesn't remember it you always will.
and if she doesn't remember it about a blog post slide show at her 21 st ??
One of the great things Nikki, is that you will have all these moments stored away in your blog - so much better than just a photo.
I always look at your posts about your daughter and wonder if my daughter is going to be the same in a few years time.
It's fun to think that she will be so interested in the same hobby as me, but sometimes it's a little scary that I might spend all my time catering to her creative streak and never get any of my own sewing done ;)
I just loved this post about your daughter. It's awesome! My little one is about to be four and I can so relate to the good mummy / bad mummy dynamic!
Hope evil mummy got some work done today! LOL!
I can't resist, I have to go all gooey over this! I also love the way the wee girl remembers to add seam allowance these days. :)
Reminds me of all the little things I used to create with my holly hobby sewing machine. Wonderful. em x
This is fab! I love it!
Oh dolly is wonderful... and she is making me feel so much better about my own nipples :)
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