In other news, I think that the bag-robber inadvertently did me a bit of a favour. Thanks to the super-good people of Blog-and-Facebook-Land, the spread of the news about the bag has had an unforseen effect.....

Ok.... so it doesn't actually mean BEST SELLER*... but it's nice to be at the top of a list! I'm embracing positives here.
* It just means that people are looking at this this page.
I've re-started the re-knitted, dyed machine-knitted project. Hopefully this time it will fit someone larger than a newborn.
Oh, and by the way.... If you'd like to learn to knit, why don't you join the Beginners Knitting course that the wonderful Jules is teaching in my space through the winter? We have a lovely warm room (with SIX NEW DAYLIGHT LAMPS.... which I'm LOVING!!!), music, food (and I'm thinking a glass of wine would also be nice...) and conversation with other knitting novices. Jules will be able to give you lots of attention and gently lead you step-by-step to well-beyond-scarf-knitting. Go on.... treat yourself!
Six new daylight lamps? Did anyone escape the Scissorman at the AQC?
The word verification here is "momments" I hope you enjoy some lovely family "momments" (moments) this Easter.
Enjoy a well earned break, Nikki. Congrats on the #1 viewed book. Very, very cool. xx
So glad that there was at least one positive from something horrible.
Hope you have a super fabulous easter (and you just reminded me that I need to finish my GLAM)!
oh cool, thanks Nikki.
I was abit disappointed with my charity raffle too, but every little bit does help, is what I told myself. I think there is a lot of power and momentum in 'the collective' so when there were lots of raffles on for the floods it was very high in our consciousness (and in our bloggy faces, in a good way), but when there's a draw here, a draw there, it's probably easy to forget to come back to. I would much rather think it's that than consider parochialism...
The knitting class sounds great, but even with my e-bike the commute would be a little too much - Happy Chocolato to you!
Hi Nikki, Brooke here from your recent Better Bags course :-)
Just wanted to pop by and say how sorry I am to hear of your missing bag - I just can't believe someone would stoop so low.
Hope you and your family have a lovely and very well-earned Easter break.
ps. I still haven't finished my bag! Hoping to take advantage of a few days off work to get it done :-)
You sound like you are in a much better space now. See, I said good things happen because of bad things and sometimes in the strangest ways!
Time for you and just relaxing is very important and something our modern culture often seems to forget. Relax, unwind, enjoy time with family and then you will be able to move on with a lighter step I'm sure.
Yay for book status! so not surprised!!
Glad you've had a beautiful week with wee R.
P.S Typing this on couch by light from my new lamp :)
Go Scissorman!
Glad you are taking some time. Gald the book is getting lots of hits.
I meant GLAD, of course.
Love the book!! I purchased mine this morning, thank you Nikki for sharing your knowledge and beautiful patterns ;)
Aw gee ta!
It's good to see your glass is still half full. Enjoy your Easter break, you've earnt it!
wishing you lots of relaxation, fun family time, and chocolate in the next while... by the way, it might help you to know that even though i didn't enter your giveaway (because I won your last one, and to be honest I felt a bit strange winning an amazing prize for donating to charity) I did make an extra not-linked-to-any-giveaways donation for Japan as a way to make up for it... take care xo
SO sorry to hear about your lovely bag being pinched by someone nasty... I do hope that it turns up somehow! It's lovely to see the warmth of the blogging world being wrapped around you.
Thanks for the lovely plug about the classes! I am so looking forward to them...
Much love xx
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