No - unfortunately, the stolen bag hasn't been recovered.... but I'm working on recovering body, mind and family relationships.I'm always wiped out for a week or so after a show, and this time, I'm not fighting it.
It's school holidays, and the wee girl and I are hanging out, making lavender bags and going out for sushi lunches. Having lots of snuggles.Her drawings continue to charm me.
I want to thank every person who has left a message, written an email or posted the button to "find the bag" on their blog or Facebook page.... but I'm afraid I'd be stuck at the computer for a looooong time if I were to attempt it (and right now, I need a break from the computer for a while). It'll be a triumph for the people if we recover it. If we don't, I think that team spirit and human kindness are still to be celebrated. Personally, my faith in the kindness of most people has truly been recovered. I'm truly, deeply, touched. Thank you.
So pleased the two of you are having a lovely school holidays. Its fucked that someone stole your bag, it really is, but I love how the crafty bloggers have banded together to try our best to find it. Its definitely the silver lining. X
Um. If you reply to this comment I will be Very Cross. This is because I am chuffed beyond measure to hear that it is a low key week - just you and the Lavender kid. x
Enjoy your down time, lovey. Your mind and your body sound like they need it.
Fingers, toes and eyes all crossed.
Enjoy the peace.
This is such a great idea for presents this year... for my girlfriends... all gorgeous.
just hugs..that is all ♥
My kids call that "chillin" these days - enjoy and I will always have my eyes peeled.
I love how much support you are getting Nikki and I was so hopeful that your bag was back. Have a lovely time during the school holidays too x
Enjoy your recovery time, Nikki. that's the important stuff.
So sorry your bag was taken, it really sucks. At a Mathilda's Market i had all my personal shopping & an entire basket of abotu 24 patchwork pencil rolls stolen, yep, THE ENTIRE BASKET with the tag & everything. OMG, i was so upset, all that time & value, oh & the limited edition one off toys & fabric i'd purchased at the market too - all up, over $1K worth gone like that. Who would steal 24 pencil rolls - how can you use them?? I was horrified, it stayed with me for months, then we got burgled, man, 2010 was not a good year!!
I really hope it comes back. Love Posie
Please, please relax with the wee girl, take it easy and put your feet up. You have definitely earned a break!
(and I'm with Tania, don't dare reply to this!)
That's it. Pick up the knitting needles, sit back, relax and enjoy your time with your girl. Stay away from the 'puter as much as you can and like Tania said, no need to reply to this comment! ♥ ♥
good to see you taking it easy.
Hope the down time brings you some peace of mind as well as a good rest. Doing nothing much for a while is a good thing!
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