It seems that my jumping the gun on the release date (at the AQC) has sped things up somewhat on the official release date..... You Sew, Girl! - Le book - is OUT!!!
(And yes... my hippy-haired-fairy-girl is in it!).
So, it's now in MY shop! Woohoo! You can now order* your own signed copy!!
*At the risk of sounding like a pushy sales-person, I thought I'd let you know that within Australia, it costs as much to send 3 copies as it does to send 1... or you can add a few bits and bobs to the parcel. You might like to get more bang for your postage buck and do a group order...? Internationally, you'll find a better postage rate through ABC Books, although I won't be able to sign it.
Ok... back to my knitting and Lindt Easter bunnies..... Happy Easter, folks! (And by the way... I can highly recommend The Wonky Donkey!)
Yippee. I am just doing Easter bunny and mummy duties for Easter and told hubby to leave the room. He got a "what-the-...-you-better-not-have-gotten-me-anything-cos-I-don't have-anything-for-you" look on his face. I am just going to hit him up for this for Easter :)
Congrats Nikki. You must be sooooooo
Can't wait - just hopped on over to your shop to order a copy!
Congratulations on being published Nikki!
hooray for you (and lucky us) x
Congratulations Nikki! I'm going to be so excited to see it in a real life books shop, so I can't even imagine how excited you must have been to see it in a real life book shop!
Great that the book is out - well done. We LOVE the wonky donkey and sing it at the tops of our voices in the car - over and over until Daddy can't stand it any more. Its fantastic and makes us laugh and laugh. enjoy.
Congratulations Nikki! I was thrilled to snap one up at AQC and it is just brilliant - I especially love the pattern-less clothing section. I'm going to make the vest top my first project! I hope the book does really well and you have lots more bookshop sightings!
How very exciting!!
I'd already planned the Wonky Donkey for our assembly song - term 2 - might have to do it just a bit slower if I'm playing guitar though!
Congratulations! It's so exciting! I can't wait to get a copy! :)
Thanks fantastic Nikki, I picked my copy up at AQC, and it's fantastic. I think I want to make pretty much everything in it!
We love the wonky donkey too. Congrats on your book, I have ordered a copy from you and can't wait to get my hands on it :-)
That's so wonderful. It's sounds like you're still pinching yourself though! Can't wait to get my copy. :-)
so exciting! Congratulations, and happy easter! xo
I saw it in the ABC shop at Knife- I mean HIGHpoint on Saturday. I pointed it out discretely with mother's day in mind...
Massive congrats again Nikki! Can't wait to get my hands on this!
Hi Nikki, Received your book last week, fab job, looking forward to putting your instructions into use.
Hello, just bought your book up here in Victoria Point, Qld. Haven't looked at it yet. Will make macaroni cheese for the girls and settle down later as hubby is working night shift today.
Hope you are open for questions.
I pick up a copy of your book today from Dymocks.
Congratulations, I love it.
Hi Nikki, Guess what I saw today? Right at the very front of our local bookstore. YOUR BOOK! I was so chuffed for you. Mind you it was a bit difficult fighting my way through the ladies clustered in front, drooling. Thank goodness for umbrella's.
I bought it on Friday! I spied it in my local independent bookshop and couldn't resist :) It looks fabulous! I can't wait to have a crack at some of the bags. I was so angry on your behalf when I read about the theft of that beautiful bag on a friend's blog :( There are some real sh*ts out there :(
Just picked up my copy from the local bookshop. It is awesome! Well done :)
Nikki - congratulations on the book, absolutely LOVE it!
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