This Easter/Anzac Day weekend, Melbourne turned on the best of its Autumn weather for us, and I soaked in the big, blue sky. I took the bike out for a ride and discovered a bike path that will take me nearly all the way to work.
I rode beside the creek behind my house, and smiled at the way the fruit trees, vegetable gardens and free-ranging chickens spill over back fences and onto crown land. As I neared the city, I saw the back fence landscape change to graffiti and jasmine... and noticed the bluestone lanes, fashionably dressed people, the smell of good coffee.... and thought how lucky I am to live in both of these worlds.
I saw a small red felt heart hanging from a tree branch, silhouetted against the brilliant blue sky. It made me smile.
Today I held my mother's soft, frail hands, and remembered how they were once strong and swarthy from years of clothes-washing, bread-kneading, chook-plucking, garden-digging capable they once were.
I was reminded again to seize the day.
Such a beautiful day you painted with your words Nikki..... just gorgeous. You are indeed lucky to have found such a rich path to ride.
loving the wrap Nikki & the weaving. maybe another little girl could use some. feel free to put a ball or 2 aside for me, I'll see you on Saturday at the market.
seize the moment lovely, seize the smiles, the laughter, the love.
have a wonderful start to the school term.
many hugs to you & hope to chat on Saturday ♥
Beautiful post! <3
The bike ride sounds lovely, we had such lovely weather the last couple of days.
Is that a cardboard box loom? Ingenious!
Gorgeous Nikki. Sounds like you really are seizing the moments.
Beautifully written Nikki. It sounds like just the holiday that you needed. Thanks for the reminder about seizing the day too. Take care and talk soon (NCB tomorrow night?)
A beautiful post, Nikki. And I hope the cat appreciated all that effort!
You are very good at it.
What a lovely post! Sounds like a wonderful holiday, and I am envious of your fruit trees and a bike lane by a creek...
Seize the day indeed!
Hi Nikki,
Found your blog recently through curly pops and your missing bag(at least good things did come out of it).I went back to read about your aunts stash. Brought a smile to my face. I also have very little self control when faced with such delights! The maude in maudeandme is indeed my great aunt who was Queen of all crafts, and everything thrifty.Enjoy your day!
Sounds lovely, and thanks for the reminder to seize the day. Have a great short week!
Love that loom what a great idea I must make some for my grandies easy enough to do ?? cake!! Geezzz I hope you liked it. It looks fantastic in the round.
What a great post, I love the bits about your mum's hands. Mine are starting to show age and I must say I kinda like it.
I love your wrap! That knitting machine is a little bit fabulous!
Sometimes it is easy to get lost in the days and they slip on by before we know it. It's good to have a reminder - thankyou.
I'm off to do some seizing (at the fabric shop)...
ahh truer words never spoken!
I am glad you got to hold your mothers hand today.
I am glad that I read 'holiday' in your blog post title.
and all the bits in between.
That sounds like the Nikki we know and love. ♥
That first pic made my mouth water. That last paragraph brought tears to my eyes.
The wee girl has made great progress on her weaving! I'm very impressed with how careful she has been to keep it even and close together!! Is it going to be a cat blanket?
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