Here I am, aged about 23 or 24, sitting on top of a mountain in the Lake District in England. I'm nonchalantly crunching my way through an apple, looking for all the world like I walk up mountains every day.
If I remember correctly, the climb nearly killed me. I think there were tears. Here I am, ten years later, in Florence, looking for all the world like a natural Irish redhead on a relaxed holiday.

The months leading up to this trip were difficult, difficult times and the maintenance on that auburn do was a full-time job (because I'm not naturally a redhead ...nor am I Irish). You'd never guess any of this from the photo, would you? (And those 3 weeks in Italy were fabulous).
When I think of adventures, there's always a background of something overcome... darkness before dawn, little engines that could... GETTING THERE is what it's about and it makes everything worthwhile.
Tomorrow I'm off to Sydney, to the AQM and to teach some classes. Nervous-Nellie-newby-driver that I am, I'm driving up BY MYSELF. (I plan to take lots of breaks, lots of snacks and a couple of audio books).
I'll show you photos when I get there.
You drive safely, Sweetpea. And enjoy that Getting There.
(And podcasts of This American Life are currently seeing me through long hours of work, if that's of any help?)
drive safe and happy. no photos from the moving car please!
have fun xx
The journey is the best part! Drive safely :)
Have a great time nic...loved the old photos, you gorgeous thing you, wish I was coming with! Talking books are good, and don't forget to breathe. I'll continue on with boring old school reports.
Ahhh such beautiful photos - they certainly must bring back amazing memories from all those years ago.
Travel safe!
Safe driving and have a great time at the AQM.
Nic, podcasts are amazing if you have an ipod! I have the 'two fat lattes' on mine and with countless miles of country travel, I am still yet to listen to all of them (and they are two very funny guys). Kerry
Drive safe!
You are the little dynamo that does ;-)
you're going to love that drive. just keep telling yourself you're a badass. (seriously, it works.)
Drive safe and have fun.
Wishing you a safe and fun trip!
Surely you will deserve a little bit of massage business at the end of a big long drive!
Good luck on the drive. Just some advice - there are no McCafes between Glenrowan & Gundagai!!
Wishing you a safe and fun drive full of adventure of the best kind! Can't wait for my class next week (:
Have a safe trip! I have to drive down to London tomorrow, but what's 450 miles on crowded motorways, no doubt with about 50 sets of roadworks as it's a bank holiday weekend, between friends lol
Drive safe on the way home when you are exhausted. Give me a call if you need a break at the border.
Thinking of you Nikki, hope you have a safe drive up to Sydney and the fair is a great success.
The first photo brings back a lot of memories for me too; I lived in the Lakes for nearly 3 years inbetween travel and work. I sometimes get homesick for it - and I remember that feeling climbing up those mountains!!
Nikki, I would have loved to be your travelling companion, why didn't you safely
and enjoy. Lesley
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