The wee girl and I assumed our regular positions.... me following her around, handing over money for all the cakes, hairclips, badges, face painting, jigsaw puzzes and heaven-knows-what-else she decided was a must-have. (Quote of the day - wee girl stands in front of a table full of babies' bibs and says with a determined tone, "Hmmmm.... now what can we buy here...?").
The same happened with trying to photograph these lovely brooches.... I couldn' tseem to get a good shot. I bought a lovely brooch for myself from Madz - determined to get something for myself this time.
We then went over to the Newport Folk Festival to catch up with my sister and her choir in the Substation. We missed her performance (left the market too late) but enjoyed amazing voices in the fantastic acoustics of the Substation and then caught some of the music playing around Newport. I didn't take any photos, but I think Leonie will probably do a post on the festival..... when the weekend is over. I suspect she's busy playing a guitar somewhere right now.
Oh I always find out about these markets after they happen!
hi Nikki, so very nice to see you & your always beautifully polite wee one again.
Glad you got some pics, I didn't manage a single one!
Sounds like you had an amazing day...cold ofcourse.
hope to see you both soon....and sorry about the sugar cookie rush wee one must've had.....oops.
Maybe you were shivering too much to keep the camera still enough to focus?! Sounds like a shopping trip with my poppet. :)
Thanks for the roundup, gorgeous. It makes me feel like I'm still a part of the Melbourne craft scene! Too bad it was super chilly again. I'll try and send some warm weather from Malaysia!! xxx
Mmmmm, cupcakes...... mmmmm, softies... !!
Looks like a great day!
Hmmm I really shouldn't have looked at those cupcakes .... well, the wee one must have learnt her shopping tactics from someone??? It looks all too good, lucky lucky Melbournites!
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