Hurrah! My next class at CreativeBug was released this week.

As promised, there are more of my classes to come on CreativeBug. Watch this space and I'll keep you informed.
In other bag-making news, my publishers have released a pattern for the Berlin Slouch, which was originally written as part of The Better Bag Maker, but was lost in The Great Word Count Disaster (ahem...along with 5 others). If you're in Australia, I know that it's available through Fishpond and Book Depository.
And yes... I know that it has been too long since I was in the blogosphere, and here I am, popping up and advertising classes and patterns. There have been goings-on and craftiness of all kinds, and I haven't blogged any of it. The blog police (mostly one of the parents* at kiddie-yoga who reminds me each week) have certainly noticed that I don't update my blog or website much these days. (*Hello Shane, if you're reading this!).
The truth is, I miss it. I miss the time I had before for considered diary posts on a regular basis. I miss chronicling the creative development of both my work and that of my gorgeous girleen. I miss the connection with people who read and enjoy this little corner of my world.
The other day, the girleen and I scrolled through the blog archive I have of her early years. We laughed and were surprised by the things I'd forgotten and the things she actually remembered.
Life goes on. The girleen continues to amaze me...
And we still have crafty school holiday playdates...
I'm loving my teaching job. Being back in the world of Fashion and garment making is inspiring and challenging in all the right proportions (and I get to hang out with these photogenic beauties all day).
But the juggle of life - parenting, work, business, writing projects, household management, garden maintenance and other commitments - means that it's easier for me to share on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This is a shame, but it's the reality of how much one small person can manage and still have time for the people and things she enjoys.
Lately, I've given up trying to live up to other people's expectations and am focusing on what's important to me - my girl, my home, my family and friends. And in between, I work on things that I love. And occasionally, I even write a blog post!
I think I'm happier this way.
Sounds to me like you have the right strategy. Lovelove to you, the Girleen and the new kitteh.
I too have missed your posts, but the important thing is that you are managing life in a way that is best for you and the girleen. Sounds like you have a handle on not feeling guilty about how much time you have to share with those of you you don't even know! Good for you.
Well done Nikki, really enjoyed you bag classes and blogs, but you have to do what is right for you. Sounds like you are really enjoying yourself:)
waves madly Hello you!
you are now only living the life of 2 people instead of 3. you look well on it ;-)
Yes yes yes to all of the above. I am happy that you are happy and we will catch up sooner or later.
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