School holidays, preparation for the Melbourne Quilt & Craft Fair, product development (trying to squeeze out another pattern before the show)... and in between, a lot of meditative, calming knittery.
After an accidental caffeine consumption incident yesterday afternoon (thought it was decaf.... oops!), I was up and at it until 3am today, making a child-size prototype.
The prototype is currently having a little ride in the washing machine.... who knows what it'll turn into...?
Oh Nikki, it was positively "splendiferous" to have you here in Ballarat! Mum was so excited to think she could help you and pass on some knowledge, and was quite excited also that she made it to Facebook! Quite the Groovy Granny indeed.
Annie, your Ma is a star! Nikki, I was so excited to see your book a few days ago in a lovely little bookshop at Matakana, north of Auckland; I was wearing my specs this time so could actually read it - it's so impressive. I wanted to tell everyone in the shop that I'd met you - but I didn't. I'm looking forward to buying my own copy at the quilt show in Melb.
Geez this morning I was thinking how I really wanted to get into knitting again .. then my sensible side of me was like "Uhhh you got enough on your plate" Oh well.. I'll soak up and enjoy others projects like yours!! looking good!
You is a Lean Mean Knitting Machine ;-)
I foresee a knitted bustle.
i miss spotlight! happy knitting and surprise us with new creations!
I've never managed a happy accident with woollens in the washing machine. Hope yours turns out as you hope. Then again you will probably just turn it in to something else.
Hi. I am always inspired by reading your blog. I too spotted your book in a bookshop in Duneding NZ. But I did not purchase a copy as I am looking forward to buying a personally signed one in Melbourne in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to visit your stall.
Kind regards
Just beautiful. I wish I could stay up til 3 with anything. No matter how much caffeine I consume I'm still out like a light by 11. Which is probably a good thing...
How excellent - I have heard Annie's Mum is quite a machine knitting guru!
SO happy you have managed to connect with someone able to show you what you want to learn! It all looks fantastic- aren't short rows a wonderful thing?!
Drop me a line if you find time for a knit xx
Calming and meditative - how cool is knitting!!!!
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