We're in need of office/sales staff right now, so I thought I'd put the call out here first.
If you ...
- have great customer service skills
- have good computer/internet skills and MYOB (or similar) experience
- are very organised and work well with systems
- have a friendly and helpful phone manner
- are honest and trustworthy and generally a nice person
- get along well with people in a small work environment
- can handle 4 flights of stairs anytime you want to come in or go out.
- know a bit about sewing and craft
....and need a part-time job (in Brunswick), please send an email with an enquiry/your resume to this address (not the comment box!).
OOOHHH! I so wish I lived in Melbourne. I worked part time in a quilt shop for a number of years until it unfortunately closed late last year. I called it my dream job but I think this would replace it quite well. Oh well, I'm sure someone else will love it too.
If it weren't for the stairs and my almost immediate need for maternity leave, I'd seriously consider applying!
I wish I lived in Melbourne too!!! Nothing interesting here ever! The stairs just mean good exercise!
Good Luck!
*sigh* I'd be totally perfect for this. Like perfect beyond words... Except I live all the way over in NZ.
I think if I lived in Brunswick, I'd leave my day job and come and work for you. I'll pass the tip on to my young cousin instead
I can tick every box - except living near Melbourne, I think 1500km is a little too far to travel to work lol ;) although I would love to work for you!
Too bad the commute from the US is so long...
I wish! If living in Canada didn't disqualify me, getting up 4 flights of stairs in a timely manner might! Herniated disks have a terrible way of messing with athleticism!
Isn't it nice to know how many people would jump at the chance to be with you?!
Darn, if it weren't for the stairs and the generally being nice, I'd surely apply.
Oh and the being on the other side of the planet thing.
Hope you find someone very soon and lucky crafter working with you!
Consider this my formal application ;-)
I wish this was full time lol. I would've quite seriously moved to Australia for this job! You couldn't find someone better than me! And I couldn't have found a job more suitable for me! lol
Unfortunately, I think the cost to commute from New Jersey would be too high. Good luck finding someone!
Oh if only! For a start the commute from Launceston would be a killer. ;)
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