I guess we'll never know. Whatever - the cat's out of the bag.... we're not an iPhone family.
EDITED TO ADD: The Daddy phone is bigger becasue she's carefully drawn its flip-open screen at the top and its navigation button above the number buttons. Focusing on detail, she's forgotten about scale.
At the risk of boring people silly with "look what my 4-year-old did" projects, I thought it appropriate to throw the teddy into this post, too - to record it for my own benefit, more than anything. It makes me smile, and right now I need all the smiles I can get.

She suggested fabric markers and calico as Monday afternoon entertainment. She drew and coloured in (even a back view!) and I sewed. She was the queen of the hobbyfill stuffing and I was the slipstitch drone. With teamwork we produced what I think is the cutest teddy bear in the world.
Mind you - I am her mother.
...and I'm afraid I can't show you anything that I'm sewing at the moment. All top-secret stuff.
That's hilarious!
It looks like daddy still has a brick phone from the early 90's.
I love kids art work and writing (especially the creative spelling attempts when they start writing stories!) bring it on! Love the phones and the teddy bear! I had 5 kids aged 6-9 at my house for a felt softie craft session in the school hols. My 6 year old said it was better than school "because we were stitching!".
Actually, it's a damned cute teddy bear. And if it's any consolation, my kids would be drawing a picture of Mummy accidentally bathing Daddy's Nokia in a pool of water. Yet another comedy of errors afternoons.
I agree with you! It's the cutest bear in the world!
(only because none of my grand daughters tried to make one...lol)
the phones are pretty funny but the bear is very cute indeed.
hope you find some more smiles tomorrow lovely Nikki.
I love how the daddy phone is bigger than the mummy phone :)
Very cute bear indeed!
The picture of the phones is definitely a keeper and that teddy bear, very cute, love them. Has she given the bear a name yet?
This post makes me smile.
I LOVE the new teamwork teddy and I applaud you for fostering all that creative energy. It's so exciting to see where a child's creativity leads.
How cute!! Nice work little one :)
I love that kids NEVER forget a comment like 'we could make one'… I just ordered a bag of proper stuffing for the first time after making hubbie a rather lumpy stuffed heart for Valentines (cotton wool pads are defo best for removing make-up!). So now I feel a cuddly calico critter might be next! Thanks for sharing - Jen x
Love your teddy.
Great activity to do with the kids.
That's one of the best bears I've ever seen. :)
Oh those paper stuffed softies, my son has a collection of dinosaur ones he refuses to toss. They are very good, love your bear!!
How fun is the phone art work, sure my children could do a better drawing of my phone than me as i don't use it much, i'm not a phone fantatic, no iPhone for me thanks!! Love Posie
Your girl is just fabulous.
Too cute - I'm just waiting for someone to ask for the pattern!
Love those pics and that bear is a classic
Love the teddy bear. So cute. And such a lovely way that he/she came into the existence. Very special.
tooo cute!!!!
how our kids represent our communication devices filled life is really funny. I remember my three-year-old pointint at a picture of an old style rotary dial phone, and asking me, what that was. Too funny.
And a great teddy, too!
That is a classic drawing Nikki!
Big hugs,
Penny XO
I remember when Tori was about 9 months old we got her a "fake" mobile phone. It looked like Daddy's, flipped out like Daddy's but it was fake. Still, today, she flips it out and has whole conversations on it.
I wonder whether flip-phones are predominantly used by guys?
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