Making to-do lists and tackling things that were ignored for the last few weeks... all in a sort of half-daze of post-show blahhhh. Since the new shopping cart was supposed to be up ages ago, we've a whole lot of new products to photograph and upload, new links between prducts, page re-directs and general tidying. Lots of it.
Things like Peltex - double-sided and single-sided fusible stiff interfacing. After my initial misgivings, I've grown to really love this product - not only as a cheaper alternative to Fast2Fuse in bag bases (it works perfectly well) but I've worked out the trick to making it curve smoothly as a base support behind other interfacings on my new Barrel, Poppet and Spec Case kits.
We've also had these swivel hooks in antique brass for a while and I only managed to photograph them this week. Loving antique at the moment.... and they're the same price as the silver ones.So we also have antique brass magnetic snaps. A slightly swishier version of the snap than the silver ones we usually stock. Prices are here.
And we now have everyday size 80/12 sewing machine needles in stock. It's easy to add them to an order and SOOO handy to have a spare pack (especially when you're sewing after hours and break your last needle ...does that sound like the voice of experience..?). These are universal point, so can sew knits and woven fabrics and size 12 is a good medium weight that will handle lots of projects.Now the weekend is here and I'm also going to be catching up on neglected housework, family and friends.... and possibly a bit more (QUITE a bit more) website tweaking....
I am looking forward to your shopping cart. My credit card, not so much...
Loved your interview in the age mag this weekend!
Same same! Great interview Nikki. Your space looked great!
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