I also thank all of you who have sent comforting words or spread the word to be on the lookout for a garish orange fedora.
There is still hope that someone somewhere will spot it and send it home to me.
In the meantime I'm loitering around this laptop sleeve with a dangerous-looking gadget...
Thanks Cathy - you made my day.
I'll keep the faith.
I'll keep the faith.
Wow. That Tinniegirl sure know how to spread around some good karma.
Feeling sort of sorry for the innocent laptop sleeve...
Oh wow, what a lovely suprise!
What a beautiful surprise.
That's such a great birdie work by Cathy. And how very lovely of her.
I would be very, very scared to run into you with an unpicker nearby though...
Oh and the glasses cases and barrel purses are all looking AWESOME, don't think I've mentioned that yet!!!
Looks like the perfect gift to lift your spirits! Cathy has done an amazing job.
It's crazy how we stew over one bad act but let so many good ones slip through our thoughts. I like to believe there are more good, generous people sharing this world with us... they deserve more of our thoughts and focus.
At least you've got something gorgeous and heartfelt to fill the space!!!
wow, that's so very sweet & beautiful! It is true about focusing on one bad thing and sometimes we forget all the good around us. this definitely proves it.
glad you are smiling again Nikki :)
So good! It makes my heart sing to hear of such wonderfully generous acts. There are great people slipping in and out and around about our lives every day - see them, not the dark ones. Please stay away from that lap top sleeve with that unpicky thing! Peta
Wow, that is just beautiful. What a gorgeous work. The colours are stunning together. What a wonderful surprise to receive.
Seam rippers. LOL They can be dangerous......:-)
awesome print - wow - love it!
That is fantastic :)
How lovely. And thoughtful.
YEAH for the good people
What a special gift. Nikki, what are you up to with that very sharp, efficent looking object?
What a lovely painting - I'm sorry to hear why your spirits needed a lift, I haven't been surfing for a while. Hope the hat comes back or bites the thief. At least it's likely to be recognised if that person hangs around blog-reading types, which is a fair chance if s/he goes to craft markets.
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