Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Can't look up...

This is what I do on little bridges across deep chasms, when I absolutely have to get to the other side..... one foot in front of the other, hold tight and DON'T. LOOK. UP.
I know.. I miss out on some fantastic scenery, but sometimes you just have to get to where you're going.

This photo is one of a series of photos of one such walk across one such bridge (on the West of Ireland, in about 2001).  Vertigo captured for posterity (actually, it was captured because my companion thought it was hysterically funny).

Anyway - I've been really busy, just ploughing on through the backlog of work that built up when I had flu and school holidays (and there are various other real life dramas in the background).  Things have been a bit vertigo-ish. 

Can't look up. 

Back soon.  There are good things ahead.


Katy Cameron said...

Oh, now see I'm the complete opposite, I have to look straight ahead, can't look down! Hope you're feeing back on an even keel again soon :o)

Tania said...

I'm step-by-step behind you - in every way! (also because I can't look up at the moment either).

Fer said...

Here's to good things ahead! Although it's a bit early in the day for a glass of red though.... ;)

Lisa H said...

Hoping the skies are clear when you are ready and able to look up again.

click able said...

I really love all your fashion shoots.they are so creative & seriously look professional!keep up the incredible work.