Thursday, December 11, 2008

Oh, Lordy....

GJ's Discount Fabrics are having a 25% off sale. All patchwork fabrics, battings and craft materials are 25% off. I dropped off a few patterns today and came back with a bag of fabric.

There's a phrase about a child in a sweetshop....

Where? GJ’s Discount Fabrics - 444 Lygon St, East Brunswick Vic 3056 - Ph(03) 93802989.


  1. Oh! Oh! I want the dog in boots one! Will they still have any left next week????

  2. I've been resisting this sale all week! Something about my overstuffed fabric shelves. Nice finds Nikki!

  3. The doggy one was in the $8 per metre section, and then had 25% off. See what I mean...? kid in a sweetshop stuff

  4. You picked up some nice fabrics there. I was there the other day and picked up a few bargains. I even made another purse using some of the fabric.

    I'll be picking up some supplies from you in the New Year. Those purses are addictive.


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xxx Nikki