Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Helping out

Hair loss is traumatic at any time, but summer can be tricky for those who feel more comfortable covering up and/or accessorising. Knitted or lined hats can be too warm. and not everyone wants to wear a headscarf.

As I mentioned last week, at the beginning of this year, I had chemo through the stinking hot months of an Australian summer, and I found that what suited me best was unlined knit fabric hats (natural fibres, sometimes with spandex, sometimes not). I free-formed a heap of them for myself and had fun matching them to outfits and other accessories. I was determined to beat that poison with style!

As a part of my research into my potential new NFP/social enterprise, I've checked the supplies of suitable summer hats in a few "free hats" boxes in local cancer hospitals/support centres. There are certainly gaps in the "summer range", so I've organised a day where fabulously generous people can get together and sew some more, to help out. It's filling up fast, but if you want to be a part of it, you can still book in here.

We'll be testing a few patterns that I'm developing, and I'll be happy to hear people's stories and opinions on how/where they think my ideas would have the most "impact for good".

If you are suffering from hair loss and want to make hats for yourself - do come! If you have a cancer centre near you that could benefit - do come! If you have a friend who is going through treatment - come along! If you want to help make hats for me to distribute around Melbourne, you'd be more than welcome. All are more than welcome!

If you have any knit fabric offcuts that you would like to donate to the cause, they can be left at GJ's Discount Fabrics, or you can contact me directly (info at nicolemdesign dot com dot au).

We'll start with knit hats - so only knit fabrics are needed for this workshop. I'll consider peaked caps and brimmed hats (in woven fabrics) when I see how this workshop goes.

And if you missed last week's post, there is a survey HERE that I'd love to be filled out by anyone who has either lost hair through medical treatment or knows someone who has. It will help me to assess the needs of the people I'm trying to help.

And yes - I'll be moving this over to a new blog/website when I get it off the ground, and we can go back to normal YOU SEW GIRL business here.


  1. sounds great Nikki. I hope you get a good turn out. you are always the essence of style.

    the peaked hats - it's only the brim that would need the interfacing so the main part of the hat could still be cool and comfortable. How about Cupro for linings in the woven hats when that comes around?

  2. You always have a great style Nikki! And a great heart and mind!
    xxxxxx meri

  3. What a brilliant idea! Sewing is addictive so I can imagine that many participants will be bitten by the hat sewing bug and now they have a perfect outlet for creativity and a chance to help someone going through a difficult time. My hat is off to you, sorry couldn't resist. Wish I was able to attend but I live too far away. Very best wishes for the day.

  4. Hi Nikki, I can come for a short period of time on 15th and would love to do so. It is such a worthy cause. I only make one style of hat which I will bring but always open to more suggestions.

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xxx Nikki