Monday, August 12, 2013

Ok, so maybe we'll call it "You KNIT girl!"...

There has indeed been sewing and pattern-writing going on here, including a secret project and a new pattern, but there's nothing ready to show here yet.
Instead, here are more photos of me swanning about in dodgey home-made knitwear.

 I actually finished sewing this one together on the plane to the USA in May, and have worn it a lot since, but I only photographed it today.  It began back here....

The pattern is a tweaked and improvised version of Teresa Dair's "Mayhem Jacket" from her fabulous Spring/Summer Knitting eBook
This one is made in a combination of a 6-ply tencel/acrylic blend and some laceweight wool, which I happened to have in exactly the same colour (methinks I like that shade of red).  I wanted to rough up the texture a bit and make it look truly desconstructed.

You can twist it around a few different ways, wear half of it inside out....
It's amazing, when you think you're being really interesting and arty and stylish, wearing a cardigan with a fascinating twist in the back...
...just how many people will tell you that you've got your cardigan all twisted up at the back.
I think I also blogged the beginning of this one (yarn-winding two shades of blue together).  I machine-knitted a few huge rectangles and then took about a month to sew them together.  Yesterday, I felted my new favourite jumper....
I also remembered to photograph the purple in my hair before it fades again.


  1. You certainly do KNIT girl :) and it looks great! I particularly appreciate the twisty clever drapey bits after doing your Pattern-free Tops class. And looking forward to seeing what sewing and pattern writing you've been up to once it stops being a secret.

  2. People telling you your cardigan was twisted - hilarious! I do think it looks better like that though, and it is nice to know that if you are having a really bad wardrobe malfunction, that people will let you know. Love the hair!

  3. hello you!

    you should keep track and tell them their number. "that makes 17"

    I'll stick with my boringly shaped right side out knitting, but at least the colour is interesting - HiVis silk/merino.

  4. I especially love the blue one!! and your purple hair :O) I miss not being able to wear woollens....but not washing them lol

  5. My tip:ignore their comment. But ackowledge it was about your cardigan by telling them in an animated fashion that you added some lightweight lace wool to rough up the texture for a truly deconstructed look...because you're all animated, they'll make an effort to look at you properly, then notice you have purple hair. They'll go "ooooh, I get it-she's an 'artist'...and won't question the twist. But hopefully would question a skirt that was stuck in ur knickers ;)

  6. Looking gorgeous as usual....I love the blue one too. Queen knitter is in residence!

  7. Oh how I love your knitting adventures!

  8. You're obviously hanging with the wrong people that don't appreciate fashion and art ;o) Love the blue of your new jumper!

  9. Geeze, woman. You'd make a hessian sack look fashioniable.

    Love that red jumper, even if you did get it twisted when you put it on ;)


I LOVE to read your comments and they brighten my day. I can't respond unless your profile has an email address attached, though... And some days I simply don't have time to respond.... but I respond in a telepathic sort of way to each and every comment.
xxx Nikki