Wednesday, March 2, 2011

There's an up-side to moving to one of Melboune's less-fashionable suburbs....

I'm loving having a HUGE garden, established 40 years ago by European migrants (and currently bustin' out all over with nature's gifts).

It's raining apples....

The veggies are going gangbusters.
And (she says, trying not to hyperventilate) ...the figs are ripening.

Great to be in the land of the ENORMOUS bucket of Greek yogurt, too....
I'd like to think we're at the vanguard of a mass movement from hipper parts of the city, but I think we'll be enjoying the secret pleasures of this suburb for a while yet, before it looks remotely attractive to cool and sophisticated inner-city types.
That's ok. I've got enough figs to keep me happy for a while yet.


  1. Oh my goodness! I'm salivating all over my keyboard! :o) My BIL brought us a fig tree last fall. We're hoping the little guy made it through winter and will start growing to hopefully produce some luscious figs next year. DH is Greek and figs are a staple around here. If ever you need a recipe for them, just drop me a line. :o) Happy Wednesday!

  2. You're just the forward party Nikki, and the garden looks definitely worth it. Your parcel arrived today - thanks, I'm onto it!

  3. you had me at figs...mmmmm ♥

    i love the perks of the burbs too.

  4. Aw nice, and super yummy too! Did you tomatoes ripen this year? We put in 3 different types and I only got 2 ripe ones!! grrrr.....

  5. Lucky you :)

    Our apple tree fell over recently :( The only good thing about that is trying to decide what we are going to replace it with.

  6. you are a trailblazer! they will be flocking there in years to come!

  7. All that gorgeous produce from your backyard. YUMMY!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Anne xx

  8. You get FIGS...i cant grow figs....sigh :(

  9. yum! and I have apple recipes, at least one unique recipe of my grandmothers called Apple Roll.

  10. That all looks amazing Nikki. Figs are $30/kg at my local fruit shop - guard that tree!

  11. Wow...compliments! Your fruits look like very good. Fortunatly I live in Italy and for me is normal to have these fruits, but I have to wait August for eat the figs. I love them!!!

  12. You've given me a genius idea. I need to have two homes. one in the U.S. for May through October and one in Australia for November thorugh April. I need some of that fresh produce!

  13. Our apple tree blew over about two years ago, and we haven't replaced it yet. I sure miss all those fresh apples. Maybe this spring we'll get our act together.

  14. Oh, the figs, THE FIGS!!!! Delicious!!

  15. My most favourite fruit in the world is the fig. The car park at school has a tree tucked away in the corner and I seem to be the only one interested in them. Its just me, the birds and a whole tree laden with fruit.

  16. Oooooh! Now I'm super-envious! You're a very lucky thing!

  17. i grew up in one of those gardens in Surrey Hills - sadly a developed flattened the lot [all 52 fruit trees] and built a horrid bunch of badly designed units

    enjoy your lovely garden, it's truly precious!


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xxx Nikki