Saturday, March 12, 2011

A busy day

In today's Quick Draped Tops class, I kept the girls on their toes... whipping up new tops, playing with patterns and generally in a spin about the drapey garment possibilities that lay ahead. But since the only time I thought to take photos was at lunchtime and after everyone was gone, there's little evidence of anything except a few girls getting together for a chat (and some cherry tomatoes).
However, if you look closely, you will see sewing equipment and patterns strewn about the place....

There were, in fact, lots of patterns. Ready-made as well as some made in the class by adventurous crafty types.

There were lots of toiles and sample garments on the balcony (which, in today's weather, also doubled as a free sauna).

...and a few more garments loitering inside with the air-con.

And I think I maybe led a newbie sewing gal into an overlocking addiction.

There was also a bit of love-at-first-sight (on my part) when my sewing buddy dropped in with her newest tailor's dummy.
She's a half-scale dummy*. Small but perfectly formed. (Be still, my beating heart...).
Oh, the draping I could do on one of these little ladies.....
Big thanks to the real-sized gals who made today lots of fun and very inspiring. I hope you're not as wiped-out as I am now.
*Not the sewing buddy. I mean the tailor's dummy.


  1. Wow you ladies certainly sewed up a storm today!
    Is the small for making mini versions and then scaling up?

  2. ...if only I was half scale, rather than double the woman I used to be!!

  3. We can't really see any of the garments that were created but the cherry tomatos certainly look lovely! ;)

  4. looks like a perfect busy day =)

  5. mm. a table top practice dummy would be a Very Good Thing....

  6. Looks like a truly inspiring time. :-)

  7. Thanks for such an inspiring workshop, Nikki. Your new patterns are fabulous and the course provides so many delicious ideas. It was really great fun.

    Five stars for draping!

  8. I'm just starting to go on to sewing as my hobbies, I stopped by on your site and I was impressed by it. I hope I could learn from your site.
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  9. Just wondering, do you know where your friend got that half-scale dressmaker dummy? I've been trying to find them for a while, but no luck.


I LOVE to read your comments and they brighten my day. I can't respond unless your profile has an email address attached, though... And some days I simply don't have time to respond.... but I respond in a telepathic sort of way to each and every comment.
xxx Nikki