Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Things I am doing (and not doing)

I'm spending a lot of time fondling Sarah Arnett fabrics (belonging to my sewing buddy). I've been Facebook chatting with Ms Arnett and I think there might be some hope of seeing more of her gorgeous printed silks in georgette, stretch satin, liquid jerseys (gorgeous drape), gossamer voiles and shimmering crepe de chines as yardage.
If you haven't checked out Sarah's work, I'd recommend that you do so NOW. She's amazing.
I've also been making jam and picking lots of apples from our tree. Celebrating my mothers gifts and homecrafting wisdom. Treasuring a tiny (and probably useless, since I've never seen SPC's "Baker's Choice" apricots") find.
On 8th March, I'll be speaking at the International Womens Day Lunch in Melton . The theme this year is "Turning your passion into profit" and there will be three of us telling our stories. It'll be a fun day, with lots of opportunity to meet and mingle with like-minded women.

I'll be attending the Australasian Quilt Convention (April 14-17th) in Melbourne, too. Come and say hello!!!
This weekend I won't be going to the Julian Roberts workshop, as originally planned. Instead, I decided to take up the offer to jump on a Sewjourn bandwagon. I'm off for a crafty weekend instead.

Likewise, I'm not going to Sew It Together after all, but I'll be in Sydney later in the year. Plans have to change sometimes.


There are many things in the pipeline at the moment: some big and exciting and some are fledgling ideas. I'll tell you about them later. Right now, what I am doing is going to bed!


  1. What exquisite fabric. I see she has a shop in Brighton too *sigh*

    I can picture the old SPC Bakers Choice apricots. I reckon they may well masquerade these days as Ardmona Pie Apricots.

    Happy jam making with that very special recipe. x

  2. I'm so glad you got in contact with Sarah and that she still has yardage (swoon).

  3. That fabric is divine!

    Have fun with the jam. :-)

  4. such a tease, off you go, go to bed, leave us wondering about your news! Craft camp bliss is what i wish you this weekend and I am glad I am not the only one in the world who is going to miss out on Sew it Together!

  5. How lucky I am to have seen that amazing fabric in real life. It was just gorgeous! (Guess what I just bought - the Art Nouveaux book. Could NOT resist!)

  6. I'm with Liesl, I think pie apricots are the way to go, probably because they are drier as they are for pies so your jam won't be all soggy and "unset"
    Enjoy your weekend away,sounds like lots of fun.


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xxx Nikki