What's wrong with this picture...? I mean, besides the dodgey lighting...?
I'm afraid you'll have to look a little closer. See that rough patch on the clasp? (Fingertip for scale reference in bottom right corner)
And can you see....? Some have little scratches in the shiny-shiny nickel plating.
Since we quality-check our frames very carefully before we pack and sell them at full price, we're left with a box of seconds.
We can't sell these at full price - and don't suggest that you make purses with them to sell - but they may be a good way for you to practise making framed purses, and would be good enough for everyday use by anyone in your OFM-sphere*.
We also have a random assortment of long zips - 60-90cm - with chunky nylon and metal teeth and a variety of colours (but mostly black). These are great for clothing, upholstery and large bag projects and are clearing for $5 for 5 zips.
And we bought in more zips for our 15-for-$5.50 zipper bundles, too. These are bag, purse, dress zip sizes.
While I'm in the mood for bargains.... I'm quite keen to fill the last place on the Better Bags course, which begins next Monday. If you'd like to jump on board, you'll get a free bag pattern (that means 2 free patterns, if you include the freebie one that comes with the class fee already).
*OFM = Only For Me.... and can extend to OFMK (Only For My Kid), OFMS (Only For My Sister).... and anyone else who will forgive a few minor flaws.
A bit of "spring cleaning" is a good thing any time of year!