Friday, February 18, 2011

Flickr Friday Returns!

How cool is THIS...?!

Sac pour Netbook
Originally uploaded by

This visual feast is made using my Laptop Bag pattern and some super-gorgeous fabrics, by this talented gal.

I haven't posted anything from my Flickr group lately, but I always check in to see what people are making.

I finally got around to putting the badge on the sidebar over there on the right, so we can all see the latest designs made by very talented people (using my patterns).

Don't be shy about showing off how clever you are.... just feel free to add your NMD bag photos to the group.


  1. Love the Manga fabric. Perfect for a laptop.

  2. Great laptop bag - I love that Alexander Henry fabric; think it's called Thunder Girl, but buying any of it is almost impossible.

  3. Way cool!! That fabric is brilliant. ♥

  4. Love your blog!
    Totally following =)


I LOVE to read your comments and they brighten my day. I can't respond unless your profile has an email address attached, though... And some days I simply don't have time to respond.... but I respond in a telepathic sort of way to each and every comment.
xxx Nikki