Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The best garage sale in town

I'll tell you this if you promise to get there AFTER I visit......

Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th Feb 10am – 3pm
50 Hope Street Brunswick

You may remember that
I went to one of the JAKsters' super-duper-all-sorts-of-fabulousness garage sales last year. I came home with a year's supply of party and craft materials, all sorts of tableware and little artists mannequins ....and a desire to buy fake grass, but (unfortunately) no use for it.

Now, if it wasn't for the fact that Jane and Kerryn are great girls with ENORMOUS TALENT (take a look at their website!), I'd be keeping schtum about this and grabbing all the goodies for myself.... but I can't help wanting to help them have a fantastically well-supported sale.
If you want to find out the sorts of things they'll be selling, check out their Facebook page.


  1. oh my. That will be very fun. For those of us who live too far away, please take photos of your loot!

  2. You know what? I am frequently, sorely tempted by fake grass. Just the other week I was sizing it up in reference to some tennis racquet craft before my internal eye roll kicked in. Course, my destiny could be a fruit and vegie shop.

  3. Wow, what nice stuff! Have fun shopping!


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xxx Nikki