Sunday, December 28, 2008

Recreational Sewing

I finally got around to making these dresses - squeezed between playing with toy trains and blocks, baking a cake and helping the wee one with her new toy ...ahem... sewing machine. (Did I hear someone whisper "indoctrination"...???)

These prints are from the Amelia range by Timeless Treasures. Aren't they divine? The pattern is New Look 6613. The dress is yet to be hemmed.

Here's the same dress in Wee Play by Moda. I had to chase the model around the garden to catch a few shots of it.
Here's the front - or as close as I could get to it..

The back - sneakily photographed while she was busy cooking in her kitchen (read: igloo tent with Daddy-made stove).

And the side...
I bought the Wee Play fabric at the fabulous GJ's of Lygon St and the Amelia from the dangerous Z&S Fabrics. Dangerous? Well...I went to get a link for the Amelia range. I hit on the home page to see BLOWOUT CLEARANCE SALE (Dec 26-31 2008), spent the best part of two hours browsing and eventually got around to looking up Amelia... only to see that it's all but sold out.
Oh, and despite the Australian dollar being worth peanuts, I managed to spend a few bags full. Looking forward to my treasures arriving....


  1. ohhhh gorgeous little one and very cute dresses! Some of that blue Amelia fabric arrived here last week too - tis rather lovely!

  2. Super cute dresses on a super cute model - but what is this fabric buying enabling? Aaaargh - now I'm simply going to HAVE TO do some sewing so I can make room for more fabric on my already groaning shelves.

  3. Such a cute little model! I love the yo-yo hairband too, I have made my little one a few. I have curbed my clothes sewing for my little one, she is off to school and will never wear all the clothes she already has! I am a bit sad about it, but have time to make bags etc instead haha

  4. Super cute. Absolutely love the Amelia print. Adorable!

  5. I love that santa can come late to your house bearing fabric - excellent work. I hope child labour laws aren't going to be a problem with the new sewing machine.

  6. i wanna dress like that!


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xxx Nikki