Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Every muscle aches after a weekend of carrying my entire stock and sample range down (and then back up!!) four flights of stairs. The downstairs muscles hurt more than the upstairs muscles, strangely enough.... go figure.

The launch was a good day. Our efficient "pay Leah at the front desk on your way out" system meant that we avoided the usual madness of a crowded room, and I was free to talk to people - which was great. I do like a good chat. Thanks to all who came! I met lots of lovely bloggy folk, and caught up with good friends and met some new non-bloggy people, too.

No pics of the big day yet. Super-Sarah was official photographer and is going to send me the images.... soon, I hope. Although she was such a SUPER-TROUPER all weekend I wouldn't blame her if she took a break from thinking about it for a while. Thanks Sarah!

Big thanks also to the marvellous Kerry, who made sure everyone was happy (and in the door-prize draw) and to Leonie for being the queen of the kitchen - nobody escaped without the offer of a cuppa, a mince pie or shortbread! Also big thanks to Leah for giving up her weekend to work her usual magic.. and to Terrific Tracy for packing, sorting and helping me set up the room 'til all hours on Saturday night. And thanks to Lucy for being the girl with the golden finger... pushing that green button all day to let people in the door!!! THANKS TEAM!!

The big disappointment of the day was that I've discovered that my supposedly whizz-bang MAILING LIST is sending out what looks like junk mail to most people's filters/servers, or spontaneously suspending sending out messages at all!!! Thanks goodness for blogs and Outlook Express or nobody would have known it was on!!!

If you're on my mailing list and you didn't receive any emails over the last few weeks (particularly last week) can you please check your junk mail and UNJUNK any mail you find from me? And if anyone has any recommendations for an alternative to a PHP List mailing list management system, please let me know!!!


  1. I was very impressed by the launch. Completely professional yet so warm and friendly, and all the products were readily accessible and easy to find.
    I think the pay on the way out was ideal too!

  2. I am so jealous I couldnt make it to the launch, maybe next year I can get to one of your classes and see how it all all works and learn something from the ultimate "bag lady" :D

    love the mod bag, is it on the site yet?

    looking forward to seeing pics of the big day!

  3. The Mod bag isn't on the website yet... but may well be by the end of this evening... or at least the end of this week!

    It's $21.95 and you can order it now if you like. Email Leah at sales@nicolemdesign.com.au

  4. Glad to help Nikki - I really enjoyed the day (love a chat too, can't you tell!)


  5. It was lovely to meet you Nikki - I had a ball. It was very nice to meet Leah too and Leonie made a mean cup of coffee. And its always nice to see the lady I now know as "blogless Kerry"!

    It was a marvellous launch.

  6. It sounds soooo good!You all have had a wonderful Sunday!
    (hope you feel better tomorrow)

  7. I thought it was a fabulous event. I really enjoyed myself. Can't wait till class this coming Saturday.

  8. glad your event went so well, so wish I could have been there, your stuff is so lovely


I LOVE to read your comments and they brighten my day. I can't respond unless your profile has an email address attached, though... And some days I simply don't have time to respond.... but I respond in a telepathic sort of way to each and every comment.
xxx Nikki