Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas....

Inspired - as always - by the amazing Maya, I suggested to the wee girl that we make a Christmas tree. Of course, the shape is not a patch on Maya's stylish trees, but it was the best I could do with a cardboard box, a blunt stanley knife and an impatient three-year-old itching to paint something.

The cutting process was a piece of cake compared with trying to take a cute photo for her grandparents' Christmas cards...
Perhaps Mum and Dad will like a photo of one of my other creations... (the pouffe)?
ps. The scrunched up paper underneath the tree is a "present" and we're not allowed to move it.


  1. The tree is adorable. Now to get the 3 year old in the picture...I can see that would be difficult. Good recycling though!

  2. What a fabulous tree. Oh, and I picked the scrunched-up paper as being a present before you pointed it out. Perhaps I will be getting the same sort of present as you this year!

  3. The tree looks great - and the present, well, we seem to have a lot of those too. My son has origami paper and his latest thing is to 'make' presents :o)

  4. Who is going to be the lucky recipient of the present??

    Very cute as always!

  5. great eco friendly tree

  6. I completely feel your pain. My 17monthold DD has a fancy red new Sunday winter coat and so I thought I'd be a genious and try get a cute christmas-card-worthy picture of my snow princess (ha, she hates snow) together with the tree. The best pictures I got involved blurry smirky faces running away with stolen tree ornaments, and a very crisp clear shot of her back as she stands on tippy toes trying to get the one candy cane that might possibly be low enough for her to steal. (yes, she got it, and broke it while I took it away.)

  7. What a great Christmas tree! I'm sure your daughter is especially proud of it.

  8. oh, it's adorable! I'll have to remember this for next year - i know my kiddos would love to have one of these in their rooms.


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xxx Nikki