Sunday, September 28, 2008

I thought I was the only one who didn't know about this....

Good to hear (in your comments) that I'm not the only one who missed the news when basting spray appeared on the market.
Here it is - all the way from the world of Patchwork and Quilting.... BASTING SPRAY. It's like spray adhesive to hold bits of fabric together while you cut/sew it into place. AMAZING. I usually use it to hold down "feature fabric" overlays on bags before I stitch them into place.

Yesterday I used it to make cutting towelling backing for Fabulous Fifties Bibs a lot easier.... and it was SOOOO easy... ...until I ran out of the red spotty fabric for the neck binding on the second bib (but that's another story).Here's the back of the finished one.
One thing that bothers me.... and perhaps someone from the quilting world can tell me this...? Basting spray is supposed to wash out easily, but does it have any toxic nasties in it that should be washed out before the bib is put on a baby for the first time (for the 10 minutes that it'll be worn before it's slopped all over)??


  1. That spray sounds ACE! Will totally check it out!


  2. Thanks for the info on the spray. It sounds really fantastic, especially for things like applique. I must get my hands on some. (Do you think if you sprayed it on your children and then asked them to sit down, that they would stick to the chair? I'm just doing some lateral thinking on home crowd control).

    PS. Your bibs are fabulous ... so cute!

  3. Wow I didn't know about that either....I wonder if would stop things slipping all over the place (like when I try to make potholders)?
    Love the bib...absolutely gorgeous!

  4. it ain't cheap here but I love to use it on my small projects!!! I thought you Aussies were so progressive!!! :-) We quilters here have been using this for years!!!!

  5. I NEED this!!!!
    Thanks for the information, Nikki!

  6. Oh, I'm sure QUILTERS have been using it for years here, too... they've jsut kept it secret from us dressmakers and general craftsters.

  7. Hi Nikki,

    I guess it depends on the individual as to whether they wash it out before use or not. I have used it occasionally to baste quilts together, and I always wash the quilt once finished before using it - mainly to soften the whole thing up a bit - and they usually have had hours of handling, kids jumping on them etc., regardless of basting method.

    I'm guessing it does have toxic chemicals in it - it stinks to high heaven and I won't use it inside - only outside when the kids have gone to bed.



  8. I have HEARD of it, but never actually used it. Probably would be a lot better to sew through than the spray adhesive I have been speculatively eyeing?? :p

    (VERY cute bibs, btw!)

  9. Jenny from Amitie gives it the green light for quilts, she tells me the salespeople say its non toxic and all ok.....I have only used it for small projects. I cant believe I can baste my King size quilt to hand quilt in singapore and it all stays together........this is a dilema I will face use or not to use!!

  10. Extra cute bibs Nikki! Are you on a gadget/handy sewing accessory trip at the moment? Basting spray - WOW - yet another thing to add to that really long list!

  11. Ohhh.. I hadn't heard of this either! Sounds very handy. Love the bibs too!

  12. Love the bib idea, I have a handicapped daughter and have been making bibs for her for decades. Still haven't gotten the perfect kind. Thanks for a new idea to try.

  13. Just to add to Handmaiden's comment, Jenny from Amitie told me in a hand-quilting class that the rep for that product actually sprays his hand with it, and then licks it! to prove how safe it is. We all went 'eeeuuu', but she assures us that he is still alive and kicking!


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xxx Nikki