Friday, August 8, 2008

Ladies and Gentlemen... we have a winner!

Drumroll, please....

(Please note: Super-ditz here was confused by the random number generator so reverted to old-fashioned means. And yes - it took up a good part of the afternoon!). We - rather aptly, but completely by CHANCE - printed out the comments on the backs of draft/proof copies of the Teardrop Purse instructions. We cut them up into equal-ish size strips and folded them up....

And then realised...ummmm... they're not all going to fit in that hat.

Oh.... or that bag!
Ok - they'll fit in THIS one!!! (Tutorial for this variation coming soon!!).

You can speed up the drumroll to fever-pitch now....
And the WINNER is Stacy A!!!!!
Send us your postal address, Stacy and we'll send this one to you on Monday. Congratulations, and I hope the news brings a little joy into the end of the week for you. Have fun making your new purse!!!

THANK YOU everyone for your enthusiastic response (seems like an understatement) to my little giveaway. I've been completely overwhelmed by your kind words and encouragement. It really REALLY means a lot to me. You've made it all seem worthwhile.


  1. That's hilarious! It must have taken sooooo long to cut up all those names...I'm sitting here laughing at your photos...

  2. What a wonderful surprise to wake up to. I can't wait to make such a beautifully designed purse. Thanks for all your lovely comments as well. I feel very lucky today! Love Stacy

  3. Lucky Stacey A!Great giveaway

  4. I love the second bag that you tried fit the names in! Do you sell that pattern?

  5. Now about that pattern - better give you correct contact details!!


I LOVE to read your comments and they brighten my day. I can't respond unless your profile has an email address attached, though... And some days I simply don't have time to respond.... but I respond in a telepathic sort of way to each and every comment.
xxx Nikki