Wednesday, July 9, 2008

On My Desk..

Kits to pack... Names in a bag....

I accidentally grabbed TWO names (locked together) and looked at them both before I thought about it.... forgetting that there was only spposed to be ONE winner!! Having seen them both I couldn't play favourites.
Rather fittingly for On my Desk Wednesday, one of the winners was Kirsty!

Colourdejour ALSO wins a purse frame kit.

If you email me your postal addresses I'll pop the goodies in the post to you!!! Thanks everyone for playing!

PS. The bag I used as a name-drawing "hat" is the big Daddy of the little Puff Purse. You've seen other versions of it, and one of the earlier samples is in the post below. The pattern still needs some subtle tweaking and the instructions need a bit MORE work, but it's coming together.


  1. Thank you sooo much. I can't believe it! I can't wait to have a crack at this one.

  2. Puff looks like a special family...good bones. ;-)

  3. I am sooooo excited! I haven't attemped any bag yet and I'm glad it is going to be going to be one of Nicole Mallalieu Design because I've been reading that your instructions are really good! Thank you so much Nikki!

    I'd be happy to send some heat your way, it is 34-39c here...

  4. Lovely puff purse-lucky winners!

  5. Nikki the Puff Purse looks absolutely gorgeous!!

    Ooohhh and packing kits is always so much fun!

  6. That big puffy purse is adorable - love the green fabric!!


I LOVE to read your comments and they brighten my day. I can't respond unless your profile has an email address attached, though... And some days I simply don't have time to respond.... but I respond in a telepathic sort of way to each and every comment.
xxx Nikki