Saturday, July 5, 2008

Northcote Artisan's Market

We went to the Northcote Artisan's Market today. We saw Carla's lovely bags, bought a beautiful crochet flower headband for the wee girl, and one of these scrumptious knitted softies for a friend's new baby.

Also great to catch up with this crafty girl and her gorgeous creations.
We enjoyed the live music, we drank coffee, we ate sausages and thought it a grand day out, altogether.

...but the question on everyone's lips is, of course, "Did the wee girl keep her clothes on this time???" Answer: Clothes, yes. Boots, no.


  1. My goodness Nikki, did you REALLY do that blog post at 4.00am? Yikes! I was planning on going to the market yesterday too! Ran out of time, so will have to go next week - definitely now that I've read your blog! Glad that you had fun (and Rosie stayed dressed)

  2. No I was asleep at 4am!! I think there's something wrong with the clock on my blog - probably set on USA time.

  3. All fixed now.... looks like I did the post at 9pm-ish. The time format had reformatted itself to USA time.

  4. Sounds like a gorgeous day out.

  5. I love those softies. They are so cute! By the way, the cast story is hilarious.

  6. What a fun day, there is always so much great stuff going on leading up to Christmas, I just love it!


I LOVE to read your comments and they brighten my day. I can't respond unless your profile has an email address attached, though... And some days I simply don't have time to respond.... but I respond in a telepathic sort of way to each and every comment.
xxx Nikki