Wednesday, June 25, 2008

On My Desk... or cutting table, actually...

Started out the day with big plans to work on the patterns for curved frame bags and purses... and make a hat pattern (for my hat-making workshops in September).

Chiara (the work experience wonder) was on the job with the purses. I was on hats.
Chiara finished her part on the purse so then I needed to work on hats AND purses. I was swimming in a sea of calico and bleachcraft paper for a good part of the afternoon.

I didn't get far with the purses but the hat is nearly sorted now. I have to do a tad more pattern-tweaking to make it PERFECT and then I can get back to the curved purses... or the machine embroidery ...or that pile of half-made bags..??
See what's on other people's desks or join in the fun here.... I'm sure most people's desks are tidier than my cutting table.
PS. Yes - it really DOES take about 5 toiles (calico samples) to get a pattern absolutely right. Sometimes MORE!! (Have I mentioned something about neurotic perfectionism before... or unfinished projects?).


  1. It's amazing to see how much work goes into making a new pattern...I would never have that much patience!

  2. Oh look look look at those little purses! And HATS - you know I am absolutely hanging out to make some of your hats! Yay!

  3. So clever & such a lot of work. Your desk is a lovely hive of creative activity.

  4. I do not sew clothing (I am a quilter), but I thought I'd try and make some aprons to give to my family members for the holidays. I just bought this cute apron book and can't wait to try it out. The bags are adorable. Lots of work goes in to developing a pattern. I don't like all that fussing and tweaking (hence I don't so clothing). I also had a bad experience in HS sewing class. Picked a wood plaid Vogue pattern for first project, of course that was against the teachers recommendations. I was young and foolish.

  5. Just seeing all those purses in different stages of construction makes me want to run home and start sewing! I can't imagine what it would be like to work in a place such as yours. I'm sure it's not always fun and games (after all it is work!) but I'd still love it!

  6. Very exciting stuff. I always get vaguely envious when I see people having productive days! Mine involve cleaning texta off the sofa and doing laundry a lot at the moment!
    Oh, and I bet the clothes you made for your little girl were absolutely stunning.

  7. Those are some pics that take me into a whole other world Nikki. Glad to see how things are done.

  8. It's great to get a glimpse into your pattern making process.

  9. Oh yes... it's all fun and calico at my place!!


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xxx Nikki