Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Every part of this bag - cut out carefully LONG before this blog was born - has been made while demonstrating bag-making techniques in classes and workshops. Gradually, the bag is taking shape. The original plan I had (in my mind, when I cut out the bag) has long been lost and each component has been made with the lesson at hand in mind.... Spontaneous design decisions were made at every turn.

How to choose the right interfacing...How to reduce bulk in seams...How to make a hard base and insert purse feet... How to make a strap that folds neatly over a ring... How to make an adjustable strap... The importance of a facing (and how to attach it), How to get a nice crisp, structured edge at the top of the bag.... How to use PVC and binding on a flap.... How to insert eyelets....

This bag has shown them all.

As the pieces were coming together, I realised that I had to somehow bring the design back into some sort of cohesive form. That pvc front looked silly on a bag that was made with the same fabric type as the flap. I had to make the pvc have a purpose....

A spontaneous rummage through the white and pink buttons solved the problem. The PVC became a buttony design feature!

The lining and closures are yet to be completed to finish this bag. I daresay they'll be demonstrated in classes (How to make a zipped pocket.... How to attach the lining... How to insert a magnetic snap.... How to anchor the lining... How to slip-stitch the lining closed...).

I'll probably be pulling this one out in this Saturday's Bag in a Day class.

If you feel like making a spontaneous decision this week, a late cancellation for this Saturday's class may have presented an opening for you to do the Bag in a Day class! The June 11th workshop is fully booked, so the next available place might be August.
Go on... a bit of spontaneity can be just the thing....


  1. oh wow, this is the cutest purse ever! I love the buttons, really I am in total awe and I want one, too :D

  2. The buttons are so sweet. I can imagine a little girls bag with PVC revealing an "inserted feature"... sequins, beads or floral scrapbooking embellishments.
    Your topstitching is absolute perfection (by the way). ~ Melissa

  3. Buttons..... truly inspired!

  4. Any chance of doing some workshops in Sydney sometime? Sigh...

  5. What a great idea!!

    I want my bag straps to look that sharp - I really need to come to one of your classes! Failing that I need to persuade my husband that I really need a new, better sewing machine. It's worth a try, right? And possibly cheaper than flights to Oz!!

  6. Oh the buttons are such a fabulous idea!!! What a great way to showcase a few lovelies without exposing them to the elements :)

  7. Your spontaneity is brilliant, Nikki! If only all lessons learned could yield such beautiful results as this bag. Love it.

  8. Hi Nikki,I hope you have a class in August, I think I need a bit of a refresher and some of your inspiration!!

  9. Oooh that application presents so many opportunities for expression! I think I just found the bag for my little sister's birthday next month.

  10. the buttons add to the beauty of the bag!!


I LOVE to read your comments and they brighten my day. I can't respond unless your profile has an email address attached, though... And some days I simply don't have time to respond.... but I respond in a telepathic sort of way to each and every comment.
xxx Nikki