Monday, March 28, 2011

More Purse Frame Bargains

Oh for goodness sake.... At least I think that's what I said, when the last two boxes of 150mm frames we have in stock turned out to be seconds.
We're expecting a shipment of frames soon, but the order didn't include 150mm frames because, well... we had two boxes full of them.

Purse frame bargain, anyone.....? 5 frames for $5.50. We also have more zipper bundles and long zips, if you're in the mood for some stash-enhancing bargains.


PLEASE NOTE: Until we can order and wait for a shipment of these to arrive, we won't be able to offer our usual 20% discount on bulk orders of 150mm frames.


  1. Obviously not what you needed!

  2. Oh, ha-ha, I bet that's not what you really said. I might have to get myself some of those frames.


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xxx Nikki