Tuesday, March 22, 2011

End of story.

A week or so ago, I finished the Acacia in the dreaded rainbow yarn.

I didn't care that it was a bit big (the kid will grow) or that my increases were dodgey (she'll never notice) or that the colour broke up like I didn't want it to (I gave up). And I didn't bother with the bow at the front (she's not really a bow kind of gal).

It's finished and the girl loves it. Apparently it makes excellent sportswear (with a twirly skirt with frogs, elephants and giraffes on it) for a spot of backyard totem-tennis and kitten-chasing.

The wee girl asked politely, "Did you accidentally do a bobbly bit so made it bobbly all across the top?"

...Bless her. She's observed my design features in the past.

Personally, I'm just happy to see the back of it.... preferably on my little porcelain-skinned totem-tennis star.


  1. Nikki - it looks great on her - design features and all!!

  2. What an observant poppet! Love it and so glad she loves it too... especially with all that hard work you poured into it!

  3. How wonderful that she now loves your efforts. Cherrie

  4. ahh cutie! you can't get away with anything with little Miss around Nikki.

  5. It is a shame when a project becomes a chore. It happens from time to time, I guess making us appreciate those projects that are fun even more so. But a good result if it was so well received. And it does look cool!

  6. I love the colours! The variegated yarn is a bit different to knit with, isn't it?

  7. Well, if the wee girl likes it then that's all that matters. ♥

  8. Oh she sees your dodges now!

    Looks good, and as you say just the thing for tennis.

  9. she's funny! and I love it that she has a bit of a comment on design here and there!


I LOVE to read your comments and they brighten my day. I can't respond unless your profile has an email address attached, though... And some days I simply don't have time to respond.... but I respond in a telepathic sort of way to each and every comment.
xxx Nikki